
Opening hours
How to use FabLab RUC

FabLab RUC is an open fablab, rapid prototyping laboratory and digital production workshop at Roskilde University. We are open for all, you do not have to be a student or researcher at RUC. We handle materials ranging from wood, plastics, metal, cloth, electronics, programming and computer controlled manufacturing. We pride ourselves on being able to build a prototype of any technological system.


Fablab RUC is an experimental and creative learning and research facility. It is the place where cutting edge tools for rapid prototyping is available. FabLab RUC is showing the way for this renewal of renewal of pedagogical and research methods and putting Roskilde University at the forefront of this revolution.

The ‘Designerly’ approaches to academic research enables students and researchers (hereafter both named researchers) not only to observe and reflect but also to engage in the discourse on potential’s that lie beyond the current - the designs empowers them to engage and experiment in dialogue with real world contexts and real world participants about future scenarios. This enables a dialogical bridge between real life practices and theoretical discourses within academia. The challenge lies in creating good enough design processes and artifacts for such dialogue to happen. Hence, a creative environment where rapid prototyping and other material/technological experiments unfold as an integrated part of the research praxis.
Fablab RUC therefore have the following mission statements that it want fulfill:

We want to enable beginners to have their first design success: By having a lab filled with materials and technologies for potentials projects and skilled practitioners to guide you through the design process, we want users as quickly as possible to get from idea to designed prototype.

We want to create a culture for learning and sharing knowledge: Every project, advanced or not, leaves the one engaging with it more knowledgeable than when she started out the process. We want to turn this into a wider knowledge sharing culture. Since this is inherently a collaborative process, the lab is also open for people outside Roskilde University as well.

We want to simplify rapid prototyping: 3D-printers are still quirky to use and a CNC still requires an elaborate labyrinth of tools to work. We want to develop and adapt existing and new tools so one can use a minimal amount steps to get results. Moreover it is important to use and design open-source (or at least free to use) tools so the use is not limited to the Fablab, but can be installed on everybody’s computer, no matter the budget.

We want to make existing technology hackable: The knowledge gap between the internal workings of a technical systems and actual users has never been greater. Today one would void its warranty if one dares to break the seal of a smart phone. It is time to regain control of our technology. Not just because of the technical challenge, but because it enables and active democratic discourse on how it should be used and the potentials of it.

The four mission statements above should be seen as a programmatic approach to research in design empowerment. Over a period of three years it will turn into multiple knowledge contributions as research papers within academia fields of design and learning. This will be within themes like digital sketching, design for learning and interaction design in general.

This means new experiments, new machines - and documenting it both for fabbers (guides, youtube videos and instructables) and academics (articles in peer reviewed journals, conferences and books). Our brief is to get mentioned in the same sentence as MIT Media Lab. This means both some new things/experimenting, some teaching, and some changing the world.


Nicolas Padfield: Lab leader

He has a masters in Computer Science, Communication and a BA in Educational Studies. He helped start Humtek and is the leader of the FabLab. In his free time he leads large scale interactive art installations. He is a co-founder of illutron collaborative interactive art studio.
Nicolas writes a FabLab blog at Ingeniøren.


Email: nicolasp@ruc.dk

Bo Thorning: Technology Consultant and Lab Manager

Is educated as industry technician at Danfoss and has worked as an active part of the art and technology scene as a light and sound artist and software/hardware developer. Among many things he has build microscopes with AI vision, Laser projection systems, huge scenography's and installations at major festivals. Toured with tesla coils and has a wide range of knowledge within rapid prototyping and modern production. He works and teach FabLab machinery in 2D and 3D and has a special knowledge about Virtual reality (VR),Augmented reality (AR) , Machine learning (ML), Computer vision (CV), Artificial intelligence (AI).

Email: thorning@ruc.dk

Schack Lindemann: Technology Consultant, Project Lead, External Lecturer

Formally educated as an electrical technician in 1989, he co-founded the Short and Documentary Filmschool and worked on editing and sound design for various projects within the Danish film industry. For over a decade, he served as a teacher and post-production coordinator at The National Film School of Denmark.
Schack is also a co-founder of Halfmachine and later the Illutron Collaborative Interactive Art Collective, a Copenhagen hub that brings together artists, programmers, musicians, dancers, and other individuals working at the intersection of art and technology.
His primary field of interest lies in exploring the interconnectedness of art and technology, along with the associated aesthetic, behavioral, and societal implications. At FabLab RUC, he teaches the use of modern digital fabrication, design methods and rapid prototyping as tools for aesthetic and artistic exploration.

Email: schackl@ruc.dk

Sara Daugbjerg: Technology Consultant and Lab Manager

Sara has an interdisciplinary education in the fields of Computer Science, Urban Studies and Humanities & Technology. She is especially interested in the intersection between technology, social sciences, and geography. Sara works with IoT, environmental sensing, citizen science, guerrilla data collection, and digital fabrication. She also has a broad experience in teaching programming to kids, youngsters, and adults.

Sara Daugbjerg
Email: sasd@ruc.dk

Michael Haldrup Pedersen: PhD, Research and education coordinator

Michael has a PhD in social science. He has published extensively on tourism, museum/heritage and experience studies with a currently focus on experience studies/design and design methods and learning. Michael works as associate professor at Performance Design, Roskilde University. If you have questions regarding involvement of FabLab RUC in research projects and university education please contact him

Email: mhp@ruc.dk
Tlf: 46742695

Student Helpers

All of our student helpers are ready to help you at the lab. They are here to help you, so please try to ask them before anyone else. They all have different skills, and if they can't help you they'll know who can. If you need help with anything specific, you can check below who might be able to help you and when they're (usually) here.

Caroline Hergot

Studies: Humanistisk Teknologisk Bachelor, Miljøplanlægning (TekSam)

Andreas Høecke

Studies: Humanistisk Teknologi Bachelor, Informatik og Kommunikation.
Im good at: Lasercutting, 3d Printing and Ideation.
What I am interested in: Idea/Concept generation.
When/Where can you find me?: Mondays from 10-16 or at Hoeecke@ruc.dk

Kristoffer Hygum Nielsen

Studies: Humanistisk Teknologisk Bachelor, Informatik og Datalogi

Benjamin Andersen


image Studies: Process and Innovation Engineering
Is good at: Electronics, Arduino, 3D modelling/CAD, Prototyping, Ai Illustrator, Design, CNC/CAM, Metal work, Video Editing, Material Science, Lasercutting + Metal.
Usually works on Tuesdays.

Studenthelpers we have had the pleasure of working with:

Alberte Jeberg Kjær
Jakob Hastrup
Leonora Bryndum
Torben Callesen
Hafsa Hassan
Anna Lawson

August Clemmensen

Studies: Process and Innovation engineering at DTU
Is good at: Woodworking, lasercutting, 3D printing, 3D modelling, Videography, Photography, Illustrator, InDesign, Brewing.
What I am interested in: Making the world more sustainable.


Studies: Master's in Computer Science and Engineering
Is good at: Laser Cutting, Research through design, Programming (especially Arduino), Photography, Prototyping, Figma mockups.


Studies: B.Sc in Chemistry and Molecular Biology
Is good at: Bacterial Culturing, MicroBiological Media preparation, autoclaving (sterilization), Working with Microscopes, Running PCR and gel preparations, Aquaponics and Hydroponics, (Laser Cutting).
Doesn't work specific hours


Studies: Master in Communication Studies + Performance Design at RUC
Is good at: Light Design, Projection Mapping, VJ’ing, Laser Cutting, Video Editing, Video Streaming, Illustrator, 3D Modelling (Blender), Sound Design, Music Production, Photography.
Works on Mondays.


Studies: M.Sc in Strategy and Innovation
Is good at: Diy biology, fungi cultivation, design research, learning design, facilitating cross disciplinary research, community engagement.
What I am interested in: Biotechnology, Biocentric Design, Ecological Economics.
Works on Wednesdays.


Studies: Master’s in Environmental Science
Is good at: Programming (Arduino and Python, Raspberry Pi), is currently learning Fusion 360 and knows some InkScape for Lasercutting, photography and photo editing.
Usually works on Wednesdays.


Studies: M.Sc in Environmental Planning, and have a degree in organic agriculture
Is good at: wood work, horticulture, vegetable cultivation, fungi cultivation, compost, marine cultivation (algae and mussels).
What I am interested in: Storing carbon in soil, food production, biodiversity smart-grid technology.


FabLab RUC seeks to create a network between creative industries and academic institutions. We are a commercial-friendly Fablab.